Unknown caller

Protects against most voice fraud types

  • IRSF: International Revenue Share Fraud
  • Wangiri — missed calls and spam SMS responses
  • Artificial Inflation Of Traffic (AIT)
  • Arbitrage exploitation
  • Premium rate and high-priced destination exploitation
  • PBX/iPBX hacking
  • Malware-originated calls
  • Inbound roaming fraud

Click below to download our guide and read about FMS in action and how it protects you.

Tap into the power of Comcast’s crowd-sourced solution to shut down fraud before it ruins your revenue.

According to the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA), communications carriers lose tens of billions of dollars to voice fraud every year, most of which comes from international voice traffic. Comcast Technology Solutions offers a way to identify and thwart voice fraud attacks in real time, saving carriers and their customers millions of dollars in potential theft.

Fraud Mitigation Service is a proactive fraud protection service for operators who want to have greater control on their international traffic, to protect their bottom line as well as their customer experience. The solution’s unique crowdsourcing platform keeps fraud intelligence current and up-to-date, blocking the majority of fraudulent call attempts from ever completing.

  • Usage-based cost: no capital or monthly recurring charges
  • Implemented as a standalone fraud mitigation tool, or as a complementary service to the tools you have in place today
  • Crowdsourcing scalability, with direct relationships with other carriers

Learn more about our Fraud Mitigation Service.