Blog | Content & Streaming Providers
March 3, 2015

Today’s TV Requires Knowing Your Audience

Joanna Mullally

Today’s TV  Part 5

All smart businesses know that they should know their customer… their likes, dislikes, habits, demographics, etc. Observing and acting upon this personal information permits them to provide better service/product offerings. The end result is a more satisfied customer, one that is likely to continue consuming the service/product offerings. Lucky for pay TV businesses, getting to know and satisfy viewers has never been easier thanks to new technologies.

By studying viewer demographics and observing how viewing preferences change over time, a media company will have more success at serving a menu of content that the audience will be inclined to consume. And the more content is discovered and consumed, the more it can be monetized. Today, media companies can get to know their viewers multiple ways. They can track the frequency of a viewer’s online subscription viewing through their anonymous TV Everywhere ID. They can see what types of content a viewer purchases through their commerce activity. And, they can review a viewer’s viewing history. All of this valuable viewer information is now readily available to most media companies.

However, without a strong customer relationship management (CRM) or identity management system, this information is not easily analyzed and acted upon. A strongCRM system tracks all of these viewer insights, performs the analysis, and provides helpful observations that can be used to generate a custom pay TV experience for the viewer. This experience might include targeted advertising; promotions (such as rent two movies, get one free); quick content discovery (such as recommending past seasons of The Simpsons); and a UI that reduces the time it takes to start watching a video (such as letting a viewer pause their favorite show on their iPad and resume watching on their iPhone). In the months ahead, custom user experiences based onCRM information will make for a more satisfying viewing experience and a more successful pay TV business. The mpx Identity Service makes integrating and working with CRM systems a straightforward task, allowing media companies and pay TV operators to keep personally identifiable information independent of mpx.