Blog | Advertisers
January 19, 2017

Leading the Collaboration of the Ad Industry

Laura Durkheimer, Director

The creative ecosystem of the advertising industry is more multichannel and global than ever. Content for both traditional and emerging platforms is an increasingly complex and challenging dynamic for advertisers and agencies to navigate. We all know managing multifaceted, global ad campaigns across stakeholders is both time-consuming and prone to errors, elevating overall spend as well as brand risk.

To compensate for this complex landscape and the variable daily demands, specialized companies exist to service the intricate and customized segments of this tangled ad ecosystem. Comcast Technology Solutions has a best in breed ad distribution platform, and recently announced an alliance with other industry leaders to complete the ad asset management workflow.

As you may have read, we just announced our participation in the newly formed Ad Consortium. The Consoritium represents domestic delivery, aligned with our co- founders Adstream, Burns Entertainment & Sports Marketing, Entertainment Communications Network (ECN), and The TEAM Companies. Each founding company plays a key role in the ad process. The Ad Consortium will combine best practices across traditional and emerging media, creating a seamless integrated process for advertising content, benefiting advertisers and agencies alike.


With the thousands of spots delivered each day around the U.S., it’s imperative to not only use current asset management and delivery best practices, but to continue to refine and enhance those processes. Participation in this consortium will allow us to deliver tremendous value to advertisers and agencies, as they can now leverage an alliance of these leading ad related industry solutions.  

The Ad Consortium’s objectives include:

  • Identifying the best protocols in key areas like file-sharing, analytics, talent and rights usage, and more, at each step of the creative process.
  • Adopting common nomenclature to provide a smooth and efficient process that improves accuracy and eliminates operational waste.
  • Using tools like Ad-ID as the common identifier and metadata source for ad distribution, traffic, talent payments, and rights and asset management across all platforms.
  • Steering marketers through the maze of new and emerging media, (VOD, OTT, HTML5, social, etc.) by enabling efficient ad delivery, tracking and management.

I look forward to sharing our work with you here, and at the Ad Consortium website:

For more information on how Comcast Technology Solutions can keep your ad delivery at the forefront of technology and best practice advancements, check out the Ad Suite or contact us.